Saturday, September 27, 2008

Uvb or uva and skin care or acne treatment

« ...There are certain medications which are also known to cause acne. Androgens have already been mentioned, but these are sometimes used medicinally and have an obvious effect on acne. Other drugs which have been noted to affect acne include barbiturates and lithium. Certain make ups have been shown to increase the likelihood of acne, in particular greasy cosmetics which may altar the cell structure of follicles....
...Lavender oil, which is used in aromatherapy for its relaxing effects, is great for relieving the discomfort of inflamed acne pimples. Tea tree oil or sea salt mixed with sterile water applied to acne pimples will help dry them out; simply cleanse your face with a gentle acne soap, and the rinse it with the sea salt and water mix. You can make sure the water is as clean as possible by booing and distilling it before adding the sea salt....»
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«...Acne, also known as Acne Vulgaris, is simply put- an inflammatory disease of the skin. Acne shows itself in the form of pimples, zits or spots. It is often caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units. The pilosebaceous units refer to the skin which consists of hair follicles and sebaceous glands. "Acne" derives from the Greek words "acme" (which means skin erruption) and "bacne" or "backne". The latter terms are often used to refer to the form of acne found on one's back....»
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tags: home remedies for cystic acne, best skin care products for acne, juliets all natural acne big kits

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