Saturday, September 27, 2008

Is acne pimples and redness common in teenagers

« ...You can also take an apple and cut it up then rub it over the acne. It will get rid of it. Then of course eating green apples also helps with the prevention of acne. Of course, water is essential for nice healthy skin, so drink plenty of it....
...When choosing acne medicine, select one with no side effects. Medicine is intended to treat ailment as well as not to make it worse or else create fresh ones in a process. As it is true that lots of conventional medicines take their own possible risks, there are certain products that do not. It is extremely important to think any side effects before using any kind of acne medicine....»
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«...A few other options would be trying a gentler clothes detergent and changing bed sheets often....»
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tags: home remedies for getting rid of acne, acne scar pack burn, good tips on fighting acne

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