« ...The reason why people choose natural skin care products for acne as opposed to those that are made of synthetic materials is often due to the fact that a lot of synthetic materials are known to cause more harm than good. There are a lot of natural skin care products for acne that people can choose from, and these are all made from natural ingredients that are less likely to cause allergic reactions or make a person's skin break out. Natural skin care products for acne are often the most appropriate choice for those who have very sensitive skin that cannot withstand certain harsh chemicals used in some acne treatment products....
...Acne can be a difficult subject to talk to your kids about, because will probably be embarrassed, particularly if they have a lot of pimples or blackheads. You know how best to approach your child, but most probably you'll want to be supportive and understanding. Educate yourself about the difference between myths and facts: the myths about buttery foods, chocolate, or sex causing acne are now known to be untrue. Most likely, your teenager is already trying everything he or she knows of to control the problem. Even if they are unwilling to talk about it, it's probably one of their major concerns. It can affect self-esteem and relations with peers, and in severe cases can lead to depression and social withdrawal....»
«...One of the first things that anyone has to learn, even if they have a clear skin and want to maintain it that way, is to have a regular routine of cleaning, toning and moisturizing their skin. Whether you live in the suburbs and are surrounded by fresh air and greenery, of in the midst of pollution, it does not matter. These three steps should be maintained like a ritual. What you use for cleansing and moisturizing largely depends on your skin type. For an oily skin use a cleanser or a mild soap that is not too rich, similarly the moisturizer should also be a light one. If you have a dry skin then use a more creamy face wash and a rich moisturizer. Olive oil is a good cleansing agent and so is yogurt. However if your skin is oily, then use cotton wool dipped in cucumber juice to which a few drops of lime juice has been added. You will have to avoid the lime juice if you have eruptions as this will cause a burning sensation. Cucumber juice is a good astringent too, which can be supplemented with rose water also. As a moisturizer yogurt, honey or fresh cream will work wonders. For those who have acne, honey would be most suitable as this also has healing powers and removes scars....»
Full Text: best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com
tags: tanning cream for acne prone skin, how to get rid of acne scars on face, get rid of acne fast