Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne or black heads on nipples and how to cure adult acne

Tea tree oil is the most effective acne treating regimen that I have personally seen. It is even better than benzoyl peroxide and other products in the market. The best thing is that it is cheap and does not cause any irritation to your skin.
You can get rid of acne by understanding that acne is a sign that something is wrong inside and that internal problems can manifest as external ones. The skin being one of the largest organs of the body is a major elimination channel. In other words your body clears itself by releasing waste materials through its pores, when the digestive system itself cannot keep up with the cleansing process. What could you be doing to cleanse and detoxify yourself from the inside? To restore a good balance inside?
The second method involves discipline on your part. You have to try, as much as possible, to keep your hands off your face. You should also keep your hair away as well. Your hair and your hands are very much laden with dirt, dust, and oils that can greatly contribute in the clogging of your pores. Once your pores get clogged up, the formation of acne is the only logical step. Thus, you have to make sure to keep your hands and your hair at a reasonable distance from your face.
tags: acne after pregnancy, home remedy for acne, methods on getting rid of acne

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